In today's world of online shopping, there are endless fashion handbag brands to choose from when looking for your next go-to bag. But with that said, not every handbag business can say that they're an Australian business and woman operated, putting the customers first, providing high-quality Italian leather bags which are affordable, sustainable and environmentally conscious and of course unique and timeless.
At Mimi & Coco, all of the above are key factors to be in line with our brand values. Our goal is to deliver high-quality gorgeous bags that last longer and age beautifully with time and we hope is that you'll enjoy your genuine Italian leather bags for many years.
Below are five reasons our brand stands apart from the rest:
1. Female owned, Australian small business
2. We put the customers first
3. Our bags are made of 100% genuine Italian leather
4. Our Italian leather bags are affordable and timeless
Affordability has always been a central focus of our brand. We have gone direct to the source and sell directly to you, cutting out the unnecessary costs and crazy markups that make bags extraordinarily expensive. We pass the savings on to you, so you get the same premium quality Italian leather handbags without the traditional luxury leather markup. Ranging from $89 to $349, all of our leather bags are budget conscious, easily accessible to all, thoughtfully designed & most importantly they're unique and timeless!
5. We're sustainable & environmentally conscious
As a slow fashion brand, we’re committed to delivering an effortless style that’s trans-seasonal and versatile. We’re very focused on crafting our leather pieces from premium Italian Leather which provides you staple products for your wardrobe that last for years and therefore less wastage to landfill which means it will have less long-term impact on the environment. The manufacturers we use have a strong commitment to working with leather which is the strictly by-product of the meat industry that would otherwise go waste. No animals are harmed for the sole purpose of creating our products.
We use recycle boxes and home compostable shipping mailers which are eco-friendly and best for modern-day shipping solutions. They are reusable and these mailers are 100% home compostable, but also made from such materials that if they ended up in landfills, they would still break down with no waste.
We place our orders from Italy in small batches to avoid any long term storage and therefore, you would find the bags go on pre orders pretty quickly.
We can’t always travel overseas when we want, so we’re delighted to bring an Italian luxury leather handbag to you!